Exploring the Legends of the Tartarian Superpower
July 15, 2024

Uncover the secrets of the Tartarians that the history books do not cover. Find out about the mysterious disappearance of the Tartarians, a race of giants who once built a flourishing civilization. Learn about their profound wisdom and highly developed technologies that constructed some of the most unbelievable historical structures on Earth.
Who Are the Tartarians?
Tartarians came to live on our planet from a distant galaxy. They created a utopian society and prospered on Earth for millennia before it was wiped out under mysterious circumstances around the 18th or 19th century. Possessing highly developed technology, Tartarians ruled over a massive worldwide empire. Let’s explore their legacy and achievements.
The Tartarian Empire
Historians have yet to define the Tartarian Empire's clear boundaries. However, a popular theory reflects the claim that the Tartarian map stretched from the Caspian Sea to Siberia, covering parts of Manchuria, Mongolia, and Afghanistan.
Many adherents defend the theory that an advanced, worldwide civilization once ruled from this part of the world. The Tartarian Empire produced architectural marvels that still stand today, even though its people and civilization vanished under a great mud flood. The influence of Tartarian architecture and culture still crop up in many societies of the world.
Tartarian Meaning
The word, “Tartarian,” refers to a people who once belonged to a refined, well-developed empire called Tartaria. The etymology of Tartaria points directly to the Tartarian people and has no secondary meaning. Various definitions of this race exist in other languages with several variant spelling differences.
The Tartarian Superpowers
As a refined, extraterrestrial civilization, Tartarians possessed special superpowers. Some of these powers included telepathy, the ability to control natural elements like the weather, and the ability to manipulate energy and matter.
The Tartarians also displayed superhuman strength. They could lift immensely heavy objects and survive ruthless environments. They could run at great speed for days without tiring and jump to incredible heights. These abilities made them formidable opponents in combat.
Tartarian Technology
The Tartarian’s superpowers allowed them to develop highly sophisticated technology. For example, they could generate unlimited energy without using fuel. They employed anti-gravity machines and matter transmutation technology.
In warfare, Tartarians used powerful weapons that created force fields or propelled energy beams. Their architecture was far superior, with highly complicated structural features. Tartarians even practiced teleportation and traveled through star gates to different realms.

Tartarian Culture and Its Influence
The Tartarians were a vast and highly advanced civilization. They practiced a sophisticated culture that harmoniously combined spiritual wisdom and technological advancement. Their egalitarian society also preserved ancient knowledge.
The Tartarian people left behind vast architectural marvels and far-surpassing technology as remnants of their fascinating legacy.
The Tartarian Legends
Few history books have recounted tales of the famous Tartarians. Some describe Tartarian giants who towered over everything around them at 10 to 30 feet tall. These giants were master builders with high intelligence.
These peace-loving giants were inherently good, displaying generosity and great wisdom. Some believe the sudden disappearance of the Tartarian giants is connected to unfortunate natural calamities or conflicts with human beings.
Tartarian Architecture
Tartarian architecture often combined elements of real-world historical styles with fantastical, futuristic designs. Ornate domes, spires, grand archways, tall towers, and sprawling gardens characterized their primary architectural style.
Multiple Tartarian buildings were made out of incredibly durable, yet lightweight materials that have stood the test of time. Let’s look at some of the famous Tartarian architecture that still survives into today’s modern world.
Famous Tartarian Structures
Narratives about the Tartarian empire claim numerous famous real-world structures as Tartarian creations. These buildings, which displayed grandiose baroque designs, were built between the 18th and 20th centuries.
Many believe the Capitol Building in Washington D.C., was once a Tartarian power station, and the dome collected atmospheric energy. Other famous Tartarian structures include Notre Dame, Taj Mahal, and the Chicago Federal Building.
Connecting the Dots
Conspiracy theorists also claim that the temporary pavilions constructed for 19th and 20th-century World Fairs and expositions were part of the Tartarian Empire. In 1915, San Francisco hosted the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. The exposition included a Tower of Jewels that many alleged was a recreation of a famous Tartarian capital.
Conspiracy Theory About the Fall of the Tartarian Superpower
Believing in the existence of an advanced Tartarian civilization is not far-fetched. Old photographs showing people standing in muddy streets next to elaborate architectural marvels present sufficient evidence. A look at conspiracy theories about the end of the Tartarian rule explains a lot.
The Great Mud Flood
According to Tartarian lore, cataclysmic events occurred in the 18th and 19th centuries that buried their cities under mud and debris. Cosmic events triggered tsunamis and geological disruptions. The Tartaria mud flood occurred as a result of these changes, submerging the empire. Human beings then built over the mud and rewrote history by stating the buildings that survived are newer constructions.
The Great Cover-Up
Conspiracies relating to a Great Cover-Up of Tartarian history point to a sinister move by rival powers who were colonialists. Many government institutions, academic establishments, and powerful people worked together to rewrite history. The rapid technological progress of the Industrial Revolution suggests a discovery of secret Tartarian knowledge.
Meet Like-Minded People
Conspiracy theories about various topics like UFO sightings, the moon landing, and flat Earth, have confounded people for many decades. The conspiracy theory surrounding the Tartarian empire appears more recent, but many people choose to believe it.
Many online sources give information detailing the Tartarians and their disappearance. Multiple YouTube channels talk about and elaborate on what little is known about this ancient race. Social media also acts as a powerful medium to connect like-minded people who are interested in the subject.
Unravel the Mystery of the Tartarians | Galactic Federation of Light
Whether you believe in the hidden past of the lost empire of Tartaria or reject it outright, all seekers are welcome at the Galactic Federation of Light. Join us as we continue to shed light on the most mysterious stories about our past as we ascend to 5D consciousness in preparation for our shared future.
What is Tartaria?
Tartaria is a vast region in north and central Asia that Europeans like to refer to in vague terms. It describes both a vast empire and people who lived within it. The term was used from around the Middle Ages to the 19th century before it fell out of favor.
Where is Tartaria located?
Tartaria is located between Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The Empire's actual boundaries were not specifically marked. Some suggest Tartaria stretched from Siberia to parts of Manchuria in China, as well as Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan.
What does Tartarian mean?
“Tartarian” means two different things. One interpretation refers to ethnic groups who belong to central Asia and Siberia. Another interpretation of the word, “Tartarian,” points to a lost empire of giant superhumans who ruled the world until around the 18th and 19th century.