A Masterclass on Sacred Geometry: Definitions, Examples, and How to Use it to Benefit your Life
Sacred Geometry Definition: A MasterClass
Ranging from the intricate shape of a snowflake, the recurring designs made from vibrations of music, to the structure of our galaxy formation, geometric patterns exist all around us. The natural world follows a blueprint of mathematical language to construct the existence of every living thing in the known universe. So what makes these geometric forms sacred? Let's go on a deep dive to gain a better understanding of these mysterious patterns that make up the foundations of the world around us.
What is Sacred Geometry?
When looking at the world around us, we can consistently find natural patterns that seem to follow an underlying metaphysical principle that makes up our physical reality.
History of Sacred Geometry
Belief in sacred geometry spans cultures and historical periods, with proponents viewing geometric forms as carriers of profound symbolic and spiritual meaning, as well as fundamental principles underlying the structure of reality.
Throughout history, different cultures have integrated geometric principles into their architecture, religious symbols, and cosmological perspectives. Ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato proposed that geometric forms played a pivotal role in the genesis of the universe, while Pythagoras became renowned for his theorem concerning right triangles and his conviction in the mathematical coherence of the cosmos. In the Renaissance era, figures like Leonardo da Vinci delved into the study of geometric patterns in nature, aiming to grasp their significance in elucidating the divine arrangement of existence. Mystic and esoteric traditions spanning alchemy, Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and Freemasonry have all woven sacred geometry into their teachings and symbolic frameworks. Within these traditions, geometric shapes are often regarded as conduits for accessing spiritual enlightenment and unraveling the enigmatic depths of the universe.
To really get a better understanding, we must start at the very beginning:
The Circle of Life: Unity & Wholeness

Nearly all of creation begins with a circle- much like an egg or a seed. This shape encompasses all of God's creation; the oneness underlying all. The Circle's spiritual meaning, therefore, is unity, infinity, and perfect harmony. From the microcosm of atoms to the macrocosm of celestial bodies, the circle pervades all aspects of the universe, serving as the "zero point" upon which sacred geometry unfolds.
The Vesica Piscis:

The next sacred form emerges when we create two overlapping circles with the same radius. Similar to a 'Venn diagram", the overlapping circles create a form that that looks like the swim bladders of a fish, so called in Latin 'Vesica Piscis' meaning "fish bladder". These two interlocking symbols represent the intersection of two distinct wholes, the meeting point of opposites, and the birthplace of creation. It is a symbol of balance, harmony, and divine union, embodying the duality of male and female energies, light and dark, yin and yang.
The Golden Ratio

The Golden Ratio emerges organically from the Vesica Piscis, as the ratio of the length of the longer segment to the shorter segment when dividing the vesica along its axis.
According to Pythagoras' mathematical formulas, within this shape you can find √2, √3, and √5. For instance, the top of the Vesica Piscis to its bottom is the square root of three. The square root of five is particularly special, in that it is an irrational number that goes on for infinity. Within the √5 one can find the the Golden Ratio, (sometimes called the Golden Mean), or Phi. The Golden Ratio equals approximately 1.61803.....
The Golden Ratio can also be found in the relationship between the numbers in Fibonacci's sequence: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144... By dividing the number by its immediate predecessor, you will get invariably get 1.618. For instance, 144 divided by 8 is 1.6179... It is for this reason that we so often see the Fibonacci Spiral associated with the Golden Rectangle.
What Makes this Ratio Golden?
Considered sacred by many mathematicians, the Golden Ratio was called the "Divine Proportion" by Luca Pacioli who believed that it mirrored the Divine.
Not only is the ratio fascinating in its mathematical form, but it has continued to capture attention throughout history because of its natural ubiquity and it's aesthetic essence. We can find the manifestations of the geometric shapes abiding by the golden ratio and the fibonacci sequence in various natural phenomena, such as the arrangement of petals in flowers, the spirals of seashells, the growth patterns of plants, and even the spirals of galaxies.
While the Golden Ratio is frequently observed in nature, it has been replicated and observed in art, architecture, and design in general for its aesthetic and structural properties. This ratio manifests in the dimensions of the Parthenon in Athens as well as in Solomon's Temple. Much of Freemason architecture adheres to the Golden ratio. Many notable works of art, such as DaVinci's 'Vitruvian Man' adhere to these mysterious patterns.
Human faces that abide by the Golden Ratio are believed to be more aesthetically appealing. This belief stems from the idea that proportions based on the Golden Ratio are harmonious and balanced to the human eye, evoking a sense of beauty and perfection.
The Building Blocks of Nature
Now that we have established an understanding of circles, vesica piscis, and the golden mean- we can begin to get a better understanding of how they make up the geometric patterns that are the basis of life.
Seed Of Life

The Seed of Life, a geometric pattern composed of seven interconnected circles, forming a symmetrical arrangement reminiscent of a flower. The Seed of Life is often considered the starting point of creation, representing the birth of the universe and the emergence of all life forms. In many spiritual traditions, the Seed of Life is seen as a symbol of potentiality, fertility, and the divine spark of creation.
The seven circles that comprise the Seed of Life are thought to symbolize the seven days of creation as described in various religious texts, including the Book of Genesis in the Bible. Each circle represents a stage of creation, from the initial point of origin to the formation of complex structures and systems. As such, the Seed of Life is often associated with growth, transformation, and the unfolding of cosmic order.
The Egg of Life

Expanding upon the Seed of Life is the Egg of Life, a geometric pattern that emerges from the repeated overlapping of multiple Seed of Life patterns. The Egg of Life consists of a central circle surrounded by six additional circles, forming an intricate arrangement reminiscent of an egg or seed pod. Like its predecessor, the Egg of Life is imbued with symbolism related to creation, fertility, and the cycle of life. The egg of life structure can even be seen on a cellular level through a microscope.
Just as an egg provides a protective environment for the development of new life, the Egg of Life is thought to offer a space for spiritual growth and transformation.
The Flower of Life

The Flower of Life is perhaps the most well-known and revered symbol in sacred geometry, consisting of multiple overlapping circles arranged in a hexagonal pattern. This geometric configuration forms a beautiful and intricate flower-like shape, evoking images of blooming petals and radiant feminine energy. The Flower of Life is found in various ancient cultures and civilizations, from ancient Egypt to classical Greece, and is believed to hold profound spiritual significance.
In many spiritual traditions, the Flower of Life is interpreted as a symbol of creation, unity, and interconnectedness. Its intricate geometry is seen as a representation of the underlying harmony and order of the universe, reflecting the interplay of diverse elements and forces. The Flower of Life is often associated with themes of balance, wholeness, and the inherent interconnectedness of all existence, serving as a potent reminder of the sacredness of life and the interconnectedness of all beings.
(There is a debate among many about the distinction between the Flower of Life and the Lotus of Life, the latter which is now believed among many to more accurately represent universal consciousness and be the true life symbol.)
The Fruit of Life

This sacred geometry shape is made up of thirteen spheres, highlighting its feminine aspects as an emblem of creation. It is, however, believed not be complete because it does not yet have 'form'. By introducing lines to connect these spheres at their counterpoint, the Metatron's cube emerges.
The Metatron's Cube

Metatron's Cube consists of thirteen circles, with each circle intersecting with every other circle in a precise and symmetrical manner. These circles form the vertices of thirteen interconnected spheres, creating a three-dimensional lattice structure reminiscent of a crystalline matrix. Within this lattice, the Platonic solids emerge, each representing different aspects of creation and cosmic order.
The Platonic Solids

The Platonic solids are a set of five convex polyhedra, each of which has faces that are congruent regular polygons and the same number of faces meeting at each vertex. They are named after the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, who described them in his dialogue "Timaeus" around 360 BCE. He posited that these shapes were the building blocks of the physical world, and that these were the idealized Forms that the physical world could only manifest in imperfection.
Plato's Theory of Forms posits that the physical world is a realm of imperfect copies or reflections of the perfect, eternal Forms that exist beyond the material realm. Platonic solids, with their geometric perfection and symmetry, are seen as manifestations of these perfect Forms, providing insights into the divine truths that govern the universe.
For Plato, the Platonic solids served as tangible manifestations of the perfect Forms, providing glimpses into the divine truths that underlie the material world. While the physical manifestations of the Platonic solids are subject to imperfections and variations, their geometric properties reflect the inherent order and symmetry of the Forms.
Of the five, there are two that contain the Golden Ratio: the Dodecahedron and the Icosahedron. The other symbols are still considered True Forms, and have been consistently used in sacred architecture, such as the Great Pyramid of Giza using the tetrahedron.
Examples of Sacred Geometry in Nature

In the intricate tapestry of the natural world, sacred geometric patterns quietly unfold, often escaping the casual observer's notice. Yet, these inherent geometrical archetypes serve as poignant reminders of the profound interplay between higher consciousness and the physical realm.
At the forefront of these natural revelations stands the ubiquitous Fibonacci Spiral, a manifestation of divine proportion found in myriad forms. From the elegant curve of the nautilus shell, gracefully following a logarithmic spiral as it facilitates unhindered growth, to the precise hexagonal cells meticulously crafted by bees to cradle their precious honey, nature abounds with expressions of sacred geometry.
There are many examples of the Fibonacci spiral found in nature. The spiral structure of hurricanes often conforms to the Fibonacci sequence, reflecting the inherent balance and efficiency of natural phenomena. Spiral galaxies, such as the Milky Way, often display arms that follow a Fibonacci spiral, showcasing the grandeur of cosmic order. Both pinecones and sunflowers exhibit a pattern conforming to the Fibonacci sequence. Animal horns and tree branches also tend to follow the growth patterns of Fibonacci's sequence. These are just some of the many examples that illustrate the pervasive presence of the Fibonacci spiral, highlighting its role as a fundamental expression of sacred geometry.
Beyond the bounds of Fibonacci, vibrational resonances can also be seen creating a plethora of intricate geometric forms, shifting and morphing into exquisitely detailed patterns that inevitably follow geometrical archetypes. Harmonic frequencies, such as the Solfeggio frequencies, show us the energy of sacred geometry that might exist beyond what is discernible to human eyes.
It is for this reason that these geometric shapes have come to be known as the building blocks of nature, architecture, and art. Each hold deep spiritual meaning, and lend credence to the understanding that all life forms follow a blueprint divined by a higher power. Sacred geometry can be found naturally occuring all around us, following geometrical archetypes that serve as a continuous reminder that there is an inseparable relationship between higher consciousness and the physical self.
3 Sacred Geometry Symbols and Their Meanings
The Merkaba:

The Merkaba, made up of two intersecting tetrahedra, is an ancient sacred geometry symbol that possesses special powers known to balance your life and activate your crown chakra. The symbol often relates to spiritual awakening and ascension. To learn more on the Merkaba, click here.
The Lotus of Life:

Of all shapes within Sacred Geometry none is more famous than the life symbol that is the Flower of Life. While both the Lotus of Life and the Flower of Life are symbols rooted in Sacred Geometry and carry spiritual significance, they differ. Many hold that what we’ve come to know as the Flower of Life is actually a false representation, in that it is a representation of fragmented consciousness. Those that hold this position believe that the Lotus of Life is the representation of unified and expansive consciousness. The Lotus symbolizes an eternal creation of power that is sourced multidimensionally, intrinsically and extrinsically. To learn more on the distinction, click here.
Metatron's Cube:

Metatron's Cube is rich in symbolism, some interpretations suggest that the thirteen circles represent the thirteen archangels or the thirteen dimensions of reality, while others see them as symbolic of the interconnectedness of all creation. Named after the archangel Metatron, this geometric pattern serves as a cosmic tool, a key to unlocking infinite knowledge and delving into the depths of the Akashic Records.
In addition to its symbolic significance, Metatron's Cube possesses energetic properties, serving as a focal point for meditation and spiritual practice. Some practitioners use the cube as a tool for healing and transformation, visualizing its geometric patterns to align with the divine and access higher states of consciousness.
How to use Sacred Geometry to your Benefit:
Merkaba Activation :
A Merkaba awakening is the result of Merkaba activation. When achieved, a three-dimensional energy field will protect the physical and spiritual body. This spiritual transformation leads to greater self-awareness, improved rapport with the divine, and an enhanced ability to tap into higher consciousness.
Find out what a Merkaba is, how to activate your Merkaba, and which spiritual and physical benefits you can expect once your Merkaba awakens. To gain further information on how to activate your merkaba, click here.
Wearing Sacred Geometry Apparel
Your clothing is your first line of 'defense' in the world. It is often what people notice first about you. It is for this reason that clothing can so often be a powerful conduit in transmitting important information, not only about who you are but also what you stand for. When wearing clothing adorned with sacred geometry symbols, you are activated by the energy internally, as well as serve as an activator for the people around you. Clothing is a powerful talisman of energy, so clothing the human body in gear that serves these manifold purposes is critical.
Human beings are so susceptible to subconscious messaging, and Galactic Federation of Light's apparel seeks to use that to the advantage of mankind; by helping prime individuals who have not yet awakened into the beginning of their spiritual journey. It is for this reason that we use sacred geometric patterns like the Merkaba, the Lotus of Life, and the Metatron on our clothing.
For those already awakened, these symbols can help in the healing and spiritual ascension process.
At the Galactic Federation of Light, the Merkaba star is a symbol of our mission to elevate the Earth's vibration and encourage discussion about spirituality.
We believe that sacred geometry is pushing us forward, allowing us to enter the next phase in our spiritual evolution. Wearing sacred geometry clothing makes you a catalyst for change because you create a spark in everyone who sees you.
Create a Crystal Grid for Meditation
Creating a crystal grid will assist in solidifying intention and power of manifestation. Consider aligning your crystals in any sacred geometry shape of your choosing when next you do a sound bath, a reiki session, or any healing modality you choose for a synchronized boost of magnitude.