Are You an Andromedan Starseed? 15 Traits, Signs, Mission, and More

October 04, 2023 - Ben Lewis


Have you ever wondered whether you might be an Andromedan Starseed? If so, it is a sign that you might be one. Andromedan Starseeds possess profound wisdom and experience that go back hundreds of thousands of years. But what is an Andromedan Starseed anyway? In this guide, you will discover the most common Andromedan Starseed signs, traits, and more!

Connect with your starseed roots with our Starseed Tank Top and Starseed Crewneck. Crafted with celestial imagery to reflect your stellar origins, these garments can help you manifest your true self and join a long lineage of Andromedans on Earth in spreading positive cosmic energy.

What Is an Andromedan Starseed?

Andromedan Starseeds embody a loving, beautiful, and intelligent star family, residing predominantly in higher dimensions—up to the 12th. Their remarkable frequency contributes to the human incarnation process and the amount of soul energy sustainable in three dimensions.

On Earth, Andromedan Starseeds remain relatively scarce, numbering less than one million souls, whereas Pleiadian Starseeds count in the millions. Though they typically lead unassuming lives and shy away from the spotlight, Andromedan Starseeds play a crucial role on Earth. Their potent energy levels profoundly impact others through their mere presence.

They forge deep connections between galaxies by simply being here, possessing a strength that can be a burden in itself, sometimes leaving them uncertain about how to wield it. Andromedan Starseeds pursue freedom, love exploration, and incline themselves toward disrupting already broken systems.


They embody the archetype of a silent warrior, operating in the shadows and undertaking support roles that seem ordinary, but have a profound influence on the planet. They are unsung heroes driven by a desire to assist, devoid of ego.

Who Are the Andromedans?

Andromedan Starseeds, described as beings of light, are committed to introducing innovative technologies and holistic healing approaches throughout the universe. Their mission extends to supporting other star systems in achieving peace and unity.

Our planet is presently undergoing a significant transformation, shifting from the third to the fifth dimension—an event of great cosmic significance.

Mother Gaia, in need of assistance, sent out a plea. Souls from all corners of the universe answered the call to incarnate on Earth within human bodies to aid the rest of humanity during this transition.

Beings from Andromeda—our neighboring, spiral-shaped galaxy visible in the Northern sky, roughly 2.5 million years away—are among them.

The Andromedans value all Starseeds and acknowledge the significance of their work, strengthening the interconnectedness between the Milky Way and other galaxies.

The Myth of Andromeda

In Greek mythology, a stunningly beautiful woman named Andromeda was born to King Cepheus and Queen Cassiope of Joppa, Aethiopia. Cassiope proudly claimed that her daughter Andromeda surpassed the Nereids in beauty, attracting the wrath of Poseidon, who sent a fearsome sea monster to punish the kingdom.

Andromeda was offered as a sacrifice to the monster to appease the gods. However, Perseus rescued her from this fate. The hero had developed an affection for her and bravely defeated the menacing creature.

Following their marriage, Andromeda and Perseus faced a challenge from her uncle Phineus, who sought to claim her. Perseus employed the power of Medusa's head, turning Phineus into stone to ensure their safety. Andromeda later bore six sons and a daughter for Perseus.


Andromedan Starseeds Origin

Andromedan Starseeds have souls from the Andromedan galaxy, the closest, most well-developed galaxy to ours.

Also called M31, Andromeda shares the sky with other alien races like the Pleiadians, Sirians, and Lyrans, showcasing the immense scale of our cosmic system.

With twice the number of stars as the Milky Way, the Andromeda galaxy is expected to collide with our own in about 4-5 billion years. This collision will result in the formation of a massive supercluster.

Andromedan Starseed Energy

The positive energy of Andromedan Starseeds is alluring and powerful. These beings resonate at remarkably elevated frequencies, and their presence will profoundly impact those around them, altering lives in the most beautiful ways. Everywhere they go, they emit a radiant aura of love and light.

Anyone who knows an Andromedan Starseed may observe how this acquaintance effortlessly transforms the atmosphere of a room upon entering. It is as though their very being naturally brings about this shift, requiring no effort whatsoever.

All About Andromedan Starseeds

Andromedan Starseeds’ souls are those of true freedom seekers, embodying quiet strength and sensitivity. They possess remarkable intelligence and a benevolent nature. They resonate at an exceptionally high vibrational level.

Among the various types of Starseeds, Andromedan Starseeds face the most significant challenges when adapting to Earth.

Their natural existence spans the 12th dimension, making it arduous to synchronize with Earth's dense, weighty frequency—a stark contrast to the experience of Lyran Starseeds.

This massive shift in vibrational frequency profoundly impacts Andromedans incarnating on Earth. Few Andromedans volunteer for the journey, rendering their presence notably rare.


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Woman wearing a celestial blue GFLApparel Starseed Tank and matching blue sweatpants.
A woman posing in blue athleisure wear with a Starseed Tank by GFLApparel against a white background.
Woman standing with her back to the camera, wearing a GFLApparel Starseed Tank and blue pants.
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Women's Starseed Tank Top
Woman wearing a celestial blue GFLApparel Starseed Tank and matching blue sweatpants.
A woman posing in blue athleisure wear with a Starseed Tank by GFLApparel against a white background.
Woman standing with her back to the camera, wearing a GFLApparel Starseed Tank and blue pants.

Women's Starseed Tank Top


Embrace your cosmic connection and experience comfort with the women's Starseed Tank Top Top.

  • Photonically charged to boost your magnetic field and align your energy
  • Crafted for comfort with a relaxed, breathable fit
  • Adorned with celestial symbolism to reflect your cosmic heritage

The women's Starseed Tank Top embodies your profound connection to the cosmos with its ethereal hue and cosmic design. As an emissary of the stars, wearing this tank allows you to express your stellar origins proudly. Embrace the comfort and significance of this garment as it invites your cosmic essence to shine through, making it a meaningful part of your wardrobe.

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15 Traits of Andromedan Starseed

Andromedan Starseeds possess a distinguishable set of traits that mark them as an identifiable group of beings. Their energy is notably different from ours. Once we learn to recognize the features that define Andromedans, it becomes easier to identify souls exhibiting these traits in our lives. Here are the top 15 characteristics of Andromedan Starseeds on Earth.

1. Playful and Innocent

The Andromedan Starseeds possess a delightful, pure, childlike energy that exudes innocence. They are playful beings, full of curiosity, excitement, faith, and trust.

Occasionally, they display a focused determination that garners admiration from others in their presence. But they will not hesitate to ask questions and reveal their vulnerabilities.

2. Miraculously Healed

Some Andromedan Starseeds exhibit a remarkable ability to connect their minds and bodies for healing.

Many Andromedan starseeds overcome severe illnesses through the potency of their own thoughts, establishing a firm link between their minds and the individual cells of their bodies.

Andromedan Starseeds possess exceptional healing capabilities, particularly of the physical body. They are interested in psychology, the physical sciences, and unsolved medical puzzles.

3. Well-Rounded Thinker

Many Andromedan Starseeds tend to channel their creativity into their professional lives. This creativity manifests in various forms, such as writing, art, music, and generating fresh ideas.

If their profession does not align with these creative pursuits, they may draw upon their artistic sense in personal fashion, interior design, or mechanical engineering.

However, Andromedan Starseeds are not infallible in their creative and logical endeavors. Sometimes, they struggle to see the reasoning in a crucial situation or fail to produce a salable piece of art.

Nevertheless, Andromedan souls turn their imagination into reality because they know how to combine creativity and logic.

4. Independent and Free-Spirited

Andromedan Starseeds seek liberty, often feeling confined on Earth. They manifest this desire in both tangible and intangible ways.

Some Andromedans seek physical freedom by traveling extensively on Earth or aspiring to explore outer space. Their longing originates from their connection to the Andromeda Galaxy, where all souls experience greater freedom by effortlessly moving between planets without feeling trapped.

Others seek spiritual freedom when they feel suffocated by their relationships or trapped in a negative energy. They may perceive external attempts to control them and experience a deep sense of energetic obstruction.

Yet, the sought-after freedom for an Andromedan Starseed lies within. They must unlock their innate power, tap into the energy stored within their nature, and realize that they have never truly lost their abilities—although they have been conditioned to believe so.

5. Connected to Earth and Love to Explore

Andromedan Starseeds are wandering spirits who dislike prolonged stays in a single spot and constantly feel drawn to explore fresh destinations. This inclination to frequently move is rooted in their expansive, well-connected galaxy.

Residing within the 12th dimension, they naturally engage in social, political, and economic activities across various regions of the Andromeda galaxy. This is one of the most difficult Andromedan Starseed traits for a person to get used to in 3D reality because it feels so restrictive.

6. Empath With Boundaries

Many Andromedan Starseeds are highly sensitive, which is readily apparent to people who meet them due to the auras they emit. Their sensitivity makes them prone to emotional distress.

Moreover, many Andromedans possess empathic abilities, shedding tears easily during childhood and feeling deeply affected by horrific events they witness on Earth.

Heightened sensitivity allows Andromedans to harness their inherent strength. However, it becomes challenging for them to navigate Earth's environment due to its brutal violence and other negative experiences.

7. Spiritual Awakening Challenges

Many Andromedans grapple with anxiety and depression, often accompanied by feelings of diminished self-esteem, without a clear root cause. This tendency typically stems from the greater awareness of Andromedans.

They carry significant emotional wounds from their experiences on Earth that require processing. When these painful memories are pushed down and not addressed, it affects their spiritual well-being.

The experience of anxiety and depression often catalyzes ascension in souls from Andromeda. Upon improving their mental well-being, their vibrational frequency increases, allowing them to unlock and embrace their true nature.

8. Water and Nature Lover

Andromedan Starseeds feel at home in countries with abundant lakes. Their deep affinity for dolphins and sea life is rooted in memories of their water-covered home worlds.

They immerse themselves in the soothing sounds of nature, engage in meditative practices with ocean sounds, and explore natural settings to rejuvenate themselves.

Cosmic souls from Andromeda remain strongly connected with nature and earthly creatures, finding revitalization and a sense of kinship in their presence. Spending time in nature noticeably improves their mental and physical well-being.

Andromedan Starseeds tend to form strong bonds with their animal companions, communicating through tones and emotions rather than words. Their vibrant auras attract animals of all types due to their affinity with nature, water, and Mother Gaia.

They aspire to lead a lifestyle in tune with nature, finding urban areas foreign and overwhelming to their delicate energy.

9. Ancient History Enthusiast

Souls from star systems in Andromeda are often drawn to ancient civilizations like Atlantis, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, almost as though they have a deep cellular memory of those times.

While an interest in ancient history is not definitive proof of being an Andromedan, it strongly suggests a connection, particularly when expressed alongside other Andromedan Starseed traits.

Captivated by ancient cultures, Andromedans feel a profound urge to visit spiritual sites like Machu Picchu or the Great Pyramids in Egypt. They experience a sense of belonging at these locations due to their elevated frequencies.

For Andromedans, delving into ancient civilizations' histories is a way to establish a link with their origins and understand their spiritual mission. Driven by a deep curiosity about the wisdom and knowledge of ancient civilizations, they eagerly attempt to unravel the enigma of their very existence.

10. Humble and Minimalist

Andromedans prioritize unity and consciousness more than other races, likely due to their distant location from potential adversaries. This results in a spiritual and loving outlook with minimal ego.

They do not flaunt the status of being a Starseed to others. It is about embracing an internal sense of certainty and confidence in being unique, gifted, and having a significant purpose on Planet Earth.

This type of individual is not inclined to engage in manipulative or controlling behavior. They focus on being helpful and promoting the greater good for humanity and the planet. Even if they become a public figure, fame is unlikely to go to their head.

11. Wise and Helpful

Andromedan Starseeds are natural leaders, showcasing a subtle, approachable style, unlike the assertiveness often associated with Arcturian Starseeds. They exude wisdom and demonstrate above-average teaching abilities, adept at guiding others in their earthly missions.

Hailing from the Andromeda galaxy, which hosts three other Starseed classes, they possess a fascinating blend of knowledge from these diverse systems. They harbor a reservoir of untapped wisdom and are eager to share it with those around them.

The Andromedans love reading and thirst for learning, always seeking growth and improvement across all aspects of their life.

12. Masculine and Feminine Energy

Everyone has encountered people who lean heavily toward a more nurturing, yielding demeanor or a dominant, action-oriented approach, lacking a gentler touch. Some Andromedans struggle to find harmony between their masculine and feminine energy.

Andromedan women often exhibit qualities like empathy, warmth, and receptivity, which characterize feminine energy. On the other hand, masculine energy embodies assertiveness, activity, and strength.

Andromedan Starseeds typically strike a good balance between masculine and feminine energy. For instance, they might find enjoyment in physical fitness and strength while also possessing an ability to connect with animals.

Other Andromedans tend to display an active approach toward their personal interests, yet adopt a passive and receptive demeanor in social interactions.

Andromedans may not always display perfect mastery of utilizing these energies. Still, Andromedans will likely recognize and accept their inner masculine and feminine energies.

13. Reserved and Introspective

At times, an Andromedan Starseed may find the experience of residing on Earth irritating. Many other people close to them appear heavily influenced by media narratives, seemingly unaware of the true state of affairs on the planet.

Life on Earth proves exceptionally challenging for Andromedans due to their longstanding conflict with Reptilian beings.

It becomes frustrating for Andromedan souls to inhabit a planet where the dominant influence and control stem from these Reptilian entities.

Most of the distress arises when Andromedan Starseed expresses genuine concerns or truths face suppression, especially concerning subjects like 5G technology and vaccines. Similar to Lyran Starseeds, these souls harbor an aversion to authoritative structures.

At times, they yearn to liberate themselves from the existing system and embrace a life disconnected from conventional norms—perhaps as a nomad or residing in tranquil mountains or countryside.

14. Thrives on Excitement

An Andromedan Starseed despises mundane routines and finds excitement in adventures, spontaneity, and impromptu outings, reflecting a strong desire for genuine freedom.

Many Andromedans struggle to ground themselves effectively, unaccustomed to the constraints of inhabiting a physical body as experienced on Earth. They often attempt to avoid focusing on the fundamental three chakras: root, sacral, and solar plexus.

This lack of grounding troubles Andromedans because these three chakras are vital for a sense of rootedness. Maintaining a routine or seeing projects through without this foundation becomes difficult.

Andromedans exhibit bursts of productivity but can not maintain consistent work patterns. Their struggle to connect with the Earth for energy, often due to underdeveloped lower chakras, hinders their ability to engage in routine tasks consistently.

15. Discerning and Insightful

Andromedan Starseeds excel at discernment. They have an exceptional ability to evaluate people and situations, making it difficult for others to manipulate them.

Their keen awareness allows them to recognize emotional manipulation instantly, and they refuse to be swayed by it. They highly value honesty and authenticity and will easily see through any attempts to deceive or exploit them.

Most Andromedans exhibit a strong sense of independence and maintain powerful emotional boundaries with others.

External pressures do not easily influence them, and they have a low tolerance for unnecessary drama or negativity. Their focus is to bring peace and harmony, and they are willing to assert clear boundaries with anyone attempting to disrupt their equilibrium.

7 Andromedan Starseed Signs

Andromedan souls can slowly adapt to the human body as they manifest themselves worldwide. Most of them maintain a slender physique and struggle to gain weight. When it comes to their fashion choices, many of them exhibit a distinct rebellious streak, valuing freedom in all aspects of life.

1. Markings

Andromedan Starseeds often exhibit distinct physical features that reflect their extraterrestrial heritage. These features are visible signs of their Andromedan DNA and are necessary to their Andromedan Starseed identity.

These characteristics often consist of symbolic, geometric shapes like lines and dots, showcasing intricate designs and typically appearing on the neck and shoulders.

2. Energy

Andromedan energy is captivating, brimming with beauty, strength, and compassion. These beings resonate at incredibly high frequencies, profoundly impacting the lives of those they encounter. Their presence alone spreads love and illuminates their surroundings.

They can shift the ambiance of a room upon entering. It is almost as though their authentic presence alone is enough to bring about this positive shift.

3. Activation

Andromedan Starseed activation typically occurs after they discover their Andromedan soul origin through traditional healing arts, enabling them to awaken dormant segments of their DNA and embrace the light energy within themselves.

As they heal from emotional baggage and shed negative self-perceptions, they radiate compassionate light to help others.

Like fellow Starseeds, many Andromedans must cultivate self-love and confidence to unlock their true potential.

4. Love and Relationships

Andromedan Starseeds possess heightened sensitivity, strong intuitions, and express their emotions genuinely. They foster profound connections and show compassion and generosity toward others.

Their love is intense and all-encompassing, reflecting their affection and giving nature. Due to this inclination, they prioritize helping others, occasionally putting others' needs before their own. Nevertheless, Andromedans' boundless love and empathetic nature make them cherished by their loved ones.

An Andromedan Starseed excels in forming profound connections with people they encounter. However, this depth of connection may present challenges. Their emotions sometimes consume them, leading to a meditative or trance-like state where they may say things they otherwise would prefer to keep secret.

This situation might become unsettling, especially when experiencing unfamiliar emotions. In such instances, effective communication and self-reflection are crucial to understanding and interpreting their feelings.

5. Twin Flame Connections

Coming from the Andromeda star system, Andromedan Starseeds, sometimes choose to incarnate as twin flames in furtherance of the Andromedan Starseed purpose: to bring illumination to the world.

They personify harmony between masculine and feminine energy, striving to ground love in the tangible world.

Their Starseed awakening often involves numerous trials throughout their twin flame journey, enabling them to cultivate their Starseed abilities.

Eventually, these Starseed twin flames leverage their substantial light and love to assist humanity on its voyage of consciousness evolution, both together and separately

6. Career

Andromedan Starseeds love independence and take a creative approach to their professional paths. Since they are freedom seekers, they tend to explore uncommon ideas and interests, preferring environments that are not overly rigid or bureaucratic.

Their natural curiosity and passion for continuous learning position them well for roles in intellectual or creative domains. With a keen analytical mindset and the capacity for deep critical thinking, they excel at problem-solving.

Whether engaged in entrepreneurial endeavors or as part of a creative team, Andromedan Starseeds thrive when they apply their intellectual capabilities to bring about positive outcomes.

7. Symbols

Two of the most well-known Andromedan Starseed markings are the Andromedan Galaxy and the constellation of Andromeda. However, there are additional symbols in sacred geometry associated with an Andromedan soul in a human body. The most common Andromedan Starseed markings include:

- Spiral Galaxy Symbol
- Light Code Symbols
- Sacred Geometry Symbols
- Double Helix
- Dolphin
- Whale
- The Triquetra

What Is the Mission of the Andromedan Starseeds?

The mission of Andromedan Starseeds is to aid humanity in its journey of consciousness evolution. Like other Starseeds, souls from the Andromedan galaxy heeded a calling to come to planet Earth voluntarily. They intended to restore peace and support the planet as it transitions to higher levels of consciousness.

This mission faces considerable challenges, given that the Reptilian species predominantly influence and dominate our planet. Andromedans and Reptilians have a hostile relationship due to their contrasting values, especially Andromedans' emphasis on freedom.

Each Andromedan soul has its own mission to guide humans through teaching or spiritual experiences. Their advanced intellect also enables them to excel in scientific ventures.

Most Andromedans pursue artistic or freelance paths, finding the conventional 9-to-5 routine constraining. They frequently change their jobs and residences, seeking novelty and striving to reach a broader audience, thus aligning with their Andromedan Starseed purpose.


What are Andromedans' powers?

Andromedans possess powers that allow them to breathe underwater and endure deep waters. Not only do they proficiently navigate through aquatic environments, but they also transition seamlessly from water to land. However, if left without assistance, the challenges of the underwater realm could prove fatal for them as it does for other humans.

What are Andromedans' qualities?

Andromedans' qualities distinguish them from average people. They seek personal freedom, truth, resilience, intelligence, love, benevolence, and a high vibrational frequency. Notably, they enjoy an extended lifespan compared to other celestial species.

What do Andromedans look like?

Andromedans’ skin sometimes has blue or violet hues. However, Andromedan Starseeds take on indistinguishable human appearances. Because you may only transform energy instead of creating it, devotees think true Andromedans consist of plasma, a state of matter often associated with high-energy systems.

How many Andromedan Starseeds can be found on Earth?

Approximately 800,000 Andromedan Starseeds can be found on Mother Earth, classifying them as a relatively uncommon group. In contrast, the number of Pleiadian Starseeds inhabiting the planet exceeds several million.

Am I an Andromedan Starseed? | GFL

If you suspect you might be an Andromedan, let us know in the comments below. You can confirm your soul origin by taking an Andromedan Starseed awakening test or consulting a spiritual advisor. Follow the Galactic Federation of Light for other Starseed posts.

Already know you're an Andromedan Starseed? Check out GFL's Starseed Collection to say it loud and proud!

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Women's Starseed Tank Top
Woman wearing a celestial blue GFLApparel Starseed Tank and matching blue sweatpants.
A woman posing in blue athleisure wear with a Starseed Tank by GFLApparel against a white background.
Woman standing with her back to the camera, wearing a GFLApparel Starseed Tank and blue pants.
Close-up of blue fabric with the word
Women's Starseed Tank Top
Woman wearing a celestial blue GFLApparel Starseed Tank and matching blue sweatpants.
A woman posing in blue athleisure wear with a Starseed Tank by GFLApparel against a white background.
Woman standing with her back to the camera, wearing a GFLApparel Starseed Tank and blue pants.

Women's Starseed Tank Top

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  • DanfuOct 16, 2023

    I think I am almost 100% certain I am an Andromedan Starseed but would still like to take the test

    Thank you so much !

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