A Lightworker’s Psychology Corner: Blending evidence-based mental health theory and spirituality to help Starseeds fulfill their mission and find balance within the human experience

Written for GFL by: Lily Krisel

August 12, 2024

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Iam so happy that you're here. 

My name is Lily, and I am a natural healer assisting humanity with trauma-driven mental health issues. My approach blends spiritual, energetic, and evidence-based psychology theories to help clients elevate as lightworkers and human beings. I am as woo-woo as they come.

Early in my 2017 awakening, I wanted nothing to do with the matrix. I considered quitting my corporate job, selling all my belongings, and moving to Maui to live out of my car. I planned on waitressing at a local restaurant to make ends meet. I desperately wanted to escape the human experience and live a simpler life. I craved true substance, nature, and genuine connections. I was realizing that the most important things in life were non-materialistic. I once read an article about an overworked banker who quit his high-paying corporate job to work as a grocery store clerk and raved about how his mental health skyrocketed. I thought to myself, ugh, why do I desire the same? I was overworked, tired, and burned out. I had been visiting Maui for a few years, and it had activated me to the point of no return, (thank you, dear Earth Heart chakra.) 

However, something within me knew that dropping everything and leaving was not the answer. I deleted my recently uploaded furniture pieces from the Facebook marketplace page and decided to explore other options. Deeply unsettled, I sought balance and clarity. An awakening was stirring within me, and something beyond my understanding was helping me navigate what was unfolding.

In my awakening experience, I had my top chakra sets blast open, and suddenly, I was in direct communication with the higher realms. I began to understand what is truly valuable in life, and I was starting to pay more attention to my soul and less to the physical. Earth life feels dense, stupid, pointless, and exhausting.

One significant realization that came to me during this time was that we incarnate onto earth to have a human experience, not to avoid it. We are here to be a light for others. Yes, many of us need to go complete hermit for a while. We may distance ourselves from family, friends, and all things “normie” and begin interacting with ghosts and extraterrestrials because we feel they are the only ones that truly make sense.

But, as we find out, one way or the other, a true awakening brings great responsibility. This is part of your training as a Starseed. Awakening is preparation to do the work. Many healers are teachers, doctors, massage therapists, musicians, psychologists, and natural medicine practitioners. Other lightworkers are assisting the earth and humanity through the anchoring of light in the grid by simply existing. Many are doing a blend of these two to help.

Awakening will make us more sensitive to the energies around us. The more we are distracted by the physical, the less aware we become of the non-physical. The more disconnected we are from the physical, the more sensitive and over-aware we will become of energy. Due to this, it’s essential to find a balance between the two extremes. As we open energetically, we are called to learn how to balance our natural psychic connection to the spirit world while existing as humans and doing mundane matrix things. While we are here to assist, we are also worthy of experiencing all the great things the matrix life offers. We, too, deserve stability, good health insurance, high-paying careers, benefits, and vacation time!

Many spiritual people feel that this is all part of the “system,” and they refuse to partake. But the truth is that not partaking does not automatically stop the corrupt systemand, more importantly, is keeping healers from utilizing available resources to sustain themselves and assist others. We have heard it repeatedly: we cannot pour from an empty cup. The key is to find a way to do this with balance. I do not condone working for the system to the point of burnout. But plenty of matrix opportunities will assist you in doing your spiritual work while funding your retirement account. This includes considering what our living conditions will look like after 65+ years of age.

I want to live in a tiny home village with my friends as much as the next person, but I will also have a backup plan while I manifest it. Yes, the system is corrupt, and I also share the sentiment that elites abuse the inhabitants of this planet. It will take time for the system to change. 

One of the ongoing problems that I see in my clients is their struggle to maintain a matrix job. Due to their heightened sensitivities, being around others can be difficult. However, upon diving deeper into cases, I noticed a pattern of undiagnosed CPTSD, social anxiety, and potential cases of GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder). While they assume that it is their sensitivity and ability to feel energy that is keeping them from maintaining stable jobs, in some cases, they are struggling to be around others due to deep psychological and relational trauma.

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Women's Light Worker Cropped Hoodie in Aura
Women's Light Worker Cropped Hoodie in Aura
Women's Light Worker Cropped Hoodie in Aura
Women's Light Worker Cropped Hoodie in Aura
Women's Light Worker Cropped Hoodie in Aura
Women's Light Worker Cropped Hoodie in Aura
Women's Light Worker Cropped Hoodie in Aura

Women's Light Worker Cropped Hoodie in Aura


Experience comfort and spiritual alignment with the women's Light Worker Cropped Hoodie in Aura.

  • Lightweight Fit: Crafted with French terry cotton for breathability and ease.
  • Reflective Print: Features a "Light Worker" print that lets you shine in the dark.
  • Versatile Pairing: Complements perfectly with the Star Shorts in Aura for a cohesive look.

Designed to keep you both comfortable and connected, this cropped hoodie helps align your energy and boosts your magnetic field. Wear it to stay stylish and grounded as you navigate your day.


The three pillars of spiritual psychotherapy

I developed three critical foundational values determining a sensitive person's ability to thrive on earth. These aspects are boundary work, hyper-independence, and the concept of self-trust.

Due to the empath’s sensitive nature, it is common for them to become easily traumatized. Being an empath is partially developed by trauma, and it is the existence of biological markers. 

The essence of being highly sensitive puts them at a higher risk of experiencing trauma because life experiences are absorbed and experienced on a much deeper level. This leads many healers to lack proper boundary-setting skills.

Boundaries Setting 

Boundary-setting skills are rarely taught or implemented. Sometimes, setting boundaries is taken offensively in toxic family systems, causing potential shunning. Empaths learn that saying no or speaking up for themselves leads to abandonment, withholding love, or even food and shelter. We must learn how to set boundaries from a place of neutrality. Boundaries are not meant to be used to punish or teach another. Boundaries are strictly about us and our needs.

Boundaries are used to understand and elaborate on where we end and others begin. Empaths and sensitives will become overwhelmed, withdraw, and display irritability if these lines are blurred. Most empaths have a natural healing aura, which leads to abundant draining from others. This is why boundary setting is crucial.

Boundaries are used to understand and elaborate on where we end and others begin. Empaths and sensitives will become overwhelmed, withdraw, and display irritability if these lines are blurred. Most empaths have a natural healing aura, which leads to abundant draining from others. This is why boundary setting is crucial.


It’s not uncommon for lightworkers to grow up in families where they were taken advantage of or parentified. Adults may have overloaded them with tasks that adult caregivers should’ve handled. This teaches children that they cannot depend on anyone but themselves and integrate an unhealthy sense of hyper-independence.

The sentiment is that they must do it all themselves and cannot trust anyone. The distrust isn’t logical but mostly subconscious and visceral on a cellular level. This is why they may recognize that they have an unhealthy distrust of others but can’t overcome it. The change must happen somatically within the body first. We are created to connect and lean on one another. Healers especially need a healthy support system to thrive.


The final pillar is self-trust. Self-trust evolves from the ability to know what our values are and who we are. We will less likely become convinced to do something we may not want if we know what we need to live a happy and balanced life.

Due to extreme levels of gaslighting in childhood, many lightworkers lose the ability to trust themselves and resort to letting others make decisions for them. Usually this occurs because they don’t know what it is that they want. They may have spent most of their life acting and behaving in ways designed to gain external approval or appease others to avoid abandonment and rejection.

We must become comfortable with disappointing others.

Once we can learn how to sit with this discomfort, our nervous system slowly adapts to what comes next, a sense that the world is not ending. A sense of noticing that while someone is unhappy with your choice, you are okay, and that aspect becomes far more important than others approving of your decisions. At that moment, we see we are safe enough to speak up. The more we practice this, the less afraid we are of taking space. We can do our own thing and accept that someone will be disappointed. Life continues and probably in the best way possible because we are showing up authentically now.

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Breaking the Cycle

Many experience cycles and patterns that do not serve them. An individual may have had a safe and healthy upbringing and still develop unhealthy coping mechanisms as an adult. A proper assessment regarding the root of the distress must be done to understand what modalities and techniques would be most helpful.

It’s possible to spiritually bypass by blaming our unhealthy patterns on spiritual causes. I will elaborate on some examples. Some nonspiritual causes for anxiety are social anxiety and relational trauma. A spiritual cause for anxiety could be feeling lower astral entities attached to other people and, therefore, disliking being around others. It’s important to discern when negative emotions are tied to energy and when they are tied to stagnant trauma living in the body or false or limiting beliefs.

Mental health is often both biological and spiritual. Aspects that deeply affect us are connected on a body-soul-brain level. Childhood neglect, parentification, military duty, or abuse of any kind are events recognized by our society as trauma- inducing.

On a spiritual side, mental and emotional distress could be tied to generational events that happened to past family members and then were genetically passed down through switched- on gene codes (generational trauma).

Another example is an event that occurred in a previous lifetime, and its symptoms are causing present-day turmoil. Finding ways to disrupt patterns creates significant positive change. Energetic, psychic attacks or external energetic stimuli can most definitely cause mental health concerns. However, often, this is confused with mental health conditions or self-inflicted patterns and self-sabotaging actions that need mitigating.


Stepping into Your Power

Certain practices can help elevate mental health by leaning into the body and analyzing the information that it provides. This is done through several modalities, such as somatic bodywork, practicing stillness, shadow work, meditation, or journaling.

To understand the scope of concerns of my clients, I use clairsentient and claircognizant avenues to review energetic fields in combination with psychological guidance to create a healing plan. Many things are considered. In psychology, it is noted that our environment contributes to our subconscious beliefs and behavior. While energy is not often considered, it is an essential factor.

Life on earth is not always easy, but you are here, fighting daily, and I am so proud of you.

Please know that every soul has purpose. 

I feel blessed and honored to have gone through my healing milestones and to be able to learn and share with others. 

Remember to be brave and know you are supported and loved in unimaginable ways.

With so much love,

Lily Krisel, Leo Rising Integration

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Women's Starseed Tank Top
Woman wearing a celestial blue GFLApparel Starseed Tank and matching blue sweatpants.
A woman posing in blue athleisure wear with a Starseed Tank by GFLApparel against a white background.
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